You. Are. Enough. And This is Why!
In a world where we are told everything that needs to be perfect, learn how to improve your self-worth, especially as a writer in this blog.
In a world where we are told everything that needs to be perfect, learn how to improve your self-worth, especially as a writer in this blog.
Knowing your “why”, your reason for writing your book, is all about having perspective and a sense of purpose. Your “why” should be the driving force giving you the momentum to start, to continue, to finish, and to be determined to be published. Given how important it is to know your “why”, it is well worth taking a moment, to dig a little deeper, to help you discover why you are contemplating, or perhaps have started, writing your book. Here are Four Reasons Why that will help you find your purpose.
Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of writing a book is not uncommon with many published authors. Sharing our stories with people we know can be daunting. Sharing our stories with complete strangers can make us feel vulnerable and often paralyze us from a writing perspective. It doesn’t have to be so difficult. With some careful thought and preparation, you could soon be writing a manuscript that readers won’t want to put down. Here are 10 common mistakes writers often make when writing their memoirs, plus some tips to help you on your way to publishing your best seller.
Writer’s block is common, but one way to navigate your way through the blockade is to go straight through it. Artists do not stop creating when they run out of ideas. They start small, and eventually, small seeds blossom into beautiful pieces of work.